…neatly packaged.
Here’s a lovingly edited wee sampler of motion graphics work from the past few years.
Here’s a lovingly edited wee sampler of motion graphics work from the past few years.
Had some great fun animating this wee trio of characters. Cadbury Freddo via Blockhead.
Here she is, the eponymous heroine (anti-heroine?) Nuut. This design was a long time coming – re-designing something you came up with ten years ago is a real challenge of ejecting all the bad habits you used have but keeping all the good things that mean that this character is still with you. So it took a few months to overhaul until I was happy with her ‘update’.
As you can probably tell, Nuut has ‘upgraded’ legs – which combined with her own hard-earned street knowledge makes her an incredibly quick-moving and dangerous urbanite.
Created this commissioned video for Powerco, who were fantastic clients and really allowed us to create something above and beyond your usual corporate communication.
Co-directed by redkidOne and Sinclair Lonsdale. Produced, edited and animation by redkidOne. Model and practical FX by Sinclair Lonsdale.
Two new concept images for the web-series, “Nuut”. Here we have Pearl and Leena, both tight buddies with Nuut. The idea with these images was explore these characters and get a sense of them ‘living their lives’.
Pearl has an upgrade that has installed a set of speakers and valve amps into her back. As you can imagine, she is now a walking sound system – but mostly the speakers create an audio expression of her moods, or can be used to project calming/harming sound waves.
Leena’s upgrade effectively replaced her entire digestive system with a kind of internal combustion engine – so as long as she has easily combustible food (or even better, alcohol!) she never gets tired. Which is perfect for her, as she loves to push herself through physical challenges and explore. The more precarious the path, the better.
A fun wee job via Toybox. Looked after character animation, lighting and render on this one.
Here’s the gorgeous new video for Module, “The Pieces Fit”. Filmed during recording sessions at Roundhead Studios in late 2011, the video captures Module jamming out an original version of The Pieces Fit with the artificial music intelligence known as C:Lux.
Beautifully shot by Marty Williams. Smooth edit by Lisa Cooper. Epic matte paintings by Felicity Moore.
Music by Module, from the album “Imagineering”.
Directed by redkidOne.
This was a really refreshing piece to create – taking lovingly-rendered illustrations and building a story-world out of them. A collaboration with the wonderful Kieran Rynhart, who originally created a gorgeous cover for Rhian’s latest album “Stories From Elsewhere”. To create a video around this image, Kieran created a second piece based on the story we wanted to tell, and from these two artworks the entire video was made.
Imagery by Kieran Rynhart.
Music by Rhian Sheehan. “Little Sines” from the album, “Stories From Elsewhere”.
Directed by redkidOne.
Daisy and Gav, a pair of cats who are surprisingly on-to-it about the internet. Who would have thought.
A really fun series of tvc’s for Orcon, entirely animated in After Effects. Via Toybox.
You can never complain when you’re given an excuse to create robot suits! Originally onboard for concept design, I also ended up animating on what turned out to be a great wee spot even on a tight turnaround.
Suit design and animation by redkidOne for Kaleidoscope.